Divorce Law Myths in Australia

There are many myths about the laws that govern divorce in Australia. A lot of television shows, such as Boston Legal will have many viewers believing that divorce is a complicated and daunting process. However the majority of divorces never make it to court and only about 5% actually have a judge that makes the final decision. The majority of divorce claims reach a mutual agreement between the two parties before entering the courtroom.

The assistance of a lawyer will speed up the process and will guide you through any complications along the way. A qualified divorce lawyer can answer all questions relating to your divorce claim, including child custody, courtroom affairs and division of assets and property. In most cases your lawyer will be able to reach a settlement with the other party without standing before a judge.

Equal Child Custody
The idea that children will receive equal custody by both parents is not true and neither is the thought that mothers receive more custody. There are a few legislations that state equal child custody however these legislations are not mandatory. The truth is child custody is decided by 3 factors; firstly the childs age and their ability to decide which parent is in their best interest.

Secondly, the safety of the venue the child will be residing, including the home, contents and the surrounding area. Lastly is the practicality of the arrangement, including the distance from school and other facilities the child requires. Another myth surrounding child custody is that there is a high abuse rate. The abuse rate is actually higher in intact families as opposed to separated families where both parents have custody.

Half All Assets and Property
Again only 5% of divorce claims settle property and assets before a judge, as the majority of claims are settled outside of court. Even when settling before a judge, the chance of receiving equal amounts is very rare. In contrast to what many people believe, the earning capacity of each spouse is not the basis for the division of property and assets. Rather home duties are weighed together and the home maker will in most cases receive up to 70%.

For example the father may be more employable than the mother; however the mother has more home caring skills and will most likely end up with a larger settlement. There are cases where the main home carer will not receive the majority of property and assets, and that is when assets exceed an exceptional amount, such as property over one million dollars.

The Jury Decides
Nearly all matters concerning family law will not have a jury and will only have a judge. Divorce claims are held in family or federal courts, where only a judge, registrar or magistrate is present. The only exception is criminal acts, which are not treated as family law and are handled differently.

The majority of simple answers surrounding divorce law are myths, because they cannot be explained briefly. If you are serious about a divorce claim, then you should consult a professional family divorce lawyer. The best way is to jump online and Google family lawyers in your area.